STOP contraband
from entering your facility

Lightning Law takes jails and prisons out of the communication stream for legal mail. Evidence, in the form of documents, photographs, and videos, is uploaded by defense counsel and shared in the incarcerated person's case file. They annotate directly on the documents with highlighting, comments, and questions that only their attorney can see, and they can sign documents digitally as well. When the video meeting occurs, the documents are right there, attached to every attorney-client meeting along with all notes, questions, and answers. Document review can take place before, during, or after an attorney meeting. Reducing the amount of paper attorney files that enter a facility reduces the risk of contraband, making the environment safer for everyone. When incarcerated people have efficient access to their discovery and faster answers from their legal representatives, frustrations are reduced. Save staff time normally spent sending attorneys through security or searching paper files.

Attorney Visits Online
Defendants meet with their counsel right in the platform, in virtual meeting rooms, with their legal documents. We offer audio only or audio-video depending upon the tablet. Your staff will conserve time spent moving incarcerated individuals throughout the facility and performing security and monitoring. Plea deals can be presented and signed in real time. All of the data that demonstrates that an attorney effectively represented and counseled each client is available.